Monday, April 30, 2007

4 reasons you should not drink Distilled water

Distilled water is good for steam irons, car batteries and certain scientific uses, but it's not good for drinking. Here are the 4 reasons why:-

1. Removes dissolved oxygen in the water, making the water taste flat The reason why we enjoy teh tarik is because when the tea is pulled, oxygen re-enters the water - the same principle as water aeration in a fish tank.

2. Removes the dissolved minerals essential to good health. Distilled water being unstable will draw out the minerals from the body. Prolonged use of distilled water will cause loss of calcium & phosphorous and deterioration of the teeth and bone.

3. Boiling water does not kill all bacteria, and in fact increases the concentration of cancer causing volatile organics in the distilled water.

4. Distillers are bulky, expensive to buy, operate and maintain, and has a slow output of 20 litres a day.

But in a free enterprise, everyone will highlight the benefits but never the disadvantages.

Invest in a Nature Pure Purifier and enjoy truly the healthiest and safest water, you and your family can enjoy for the next 10 years - guaranteed!

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