Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What's the absolute or biggest size?

Most water systems only advertise the smallest hole but not the largest one.

Logically, a hole size 0.4 microns is sufficient to trap the smallest water borne cyst with a particle size of 0.5 micron. And a hole size of 0.1 microns is sufficient to trap dissolved chemicals and heavy metals in the water.

Every filter unit will have different hole sizes, so don’t be cheated by units claiming to have a hole size of 0.00001 microns. Not only is it a sales gimmick but also cheats uninformed consumers,

The problem with water in Asia is the high sediment content, due to aging leaking pipes. If mud sediments can get into your piped water supply, so can other contaminants as water pipes cross roads, farms and factories

Nature Pure Pre-Filter that traps sediments has a hole size of 10 microns. This pre-filter is washable and extends the life of the main replaceable cartridge

The Nature Pure Structured Matrix Cartridge, has the smallest hole size of 0.1 micron with the largest being 0.4 microns absolute.

Rated at 1 gallon per minute flow rate ( so much faster than RO & Distillers) and 1,000 gallon lifespan, this cartridge consistently purifies up till the last drop.

So depending on your water usage for drinking, soaking your fruits and vegetables and cooking your rice and soup, this cartridge lasts 2 years on average for a family of 5.

Ask for a Clorox demo today and truly enjoy the best water, the best drinks and the best soups, you and your family will every drink everyday!

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