Friday, December 7, 2007

Don't be conned by the water electrode test

Last week a friend called about the water electrode test done with our purified water. Her customer was concerned as when the 2 electrodes were placed in a glass, the water turned black.

If you encounter any such demo, just do this - go get a pinch of salt and throw into any distilled or RO water and the water will also turn black. Then ask a simple question. can your water do a simple Clorox demo to remove the chemicals from the water? Only the Nature Pure Seagull IV can do the clorox demo!

Salt is Sodium and as with Potassium, Phosphorus andMagnesium, are electolyte minerals, that the body requires daily. Lack of sodium causes muscle cramps and even fainting.

So what this proves is that our Nature Pure ( Seagull IV ) water purifier allows beneficial minerals to pass through, giving you water that is delicious and healthy too.

The natural puriest form of water is spring water and rain water if collected in an unpolutted area. This water contains dissolved oxygen, minerals and is free from chemicals and heavy metals.

If you love drinking mineral water, then it's time to get a Nature Pure ( Seagull IV ) water purifier today.

Spend your bonus wisely. Special offer till 31st December 2007 only. Get a Nature Pure today and get a free attractive acrylic stand. Visit my eBay store for details

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