Friday, December 21, 2007

Seagull IV Water Purifier expensive or cheap

Its shopping season and everyone is just buying and buying.

Got a call this week from someone wanting to change his RO system to a water purifier.

Here was the costing i did for him on the Nature Pure costing and asked him to do his own calculation for his RO system.

1. Capital Cost RM3,200 with a 10 year guarantee = RM0.88 daily.

2. Operating Cost

a) filters/parts at average consumption of 3 litres daily for a family of 4 = RM500 or RM 1.37 daily
b) electricity cost for producing 4,380 litres of water = RM0.00
c) water cost for producing 4.38 m3 at RM0.57 = RM2.50 per year

With the new electicity and water increases coming in 2008, a distiller or RO system will incur huge operating costs and it's about time to upgrade to a Nature Pure Seagull IV Water Purifier.

RM3,200 is a small price to pay for healthy alkaline water to drink and cook with for the next 10 years. Protect your kidneys from the chemicals and heavy metals in the water and be safe, not sorry. Expensive for dialysis or cheap to get the best water system for your family?

Visit my ebay store to get a unit before 28December (before the price increase of RM800 in 2008) , and keep yourself and your family safe.

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